Sunday 24 May 2009

Sticking With Legal Motorcycle Number Plates

If you're the type of person who gets nervous every time you see a police car in your mirrors or are constantly worrying about the speed you are traveling at in case there are traffic cops round the next corner then getting custom motorcycle number plates made up is probably not a good idea.

You'll no doubt be chuffed when you get your new plates through the post and think they look good when you've got them on your bike sitting in the garage but when you get out on the open road you'll find that you don't enjoy your riding as much as you use to due to the worry.

If you think that might happen to you then you are better off just sticking to the standard legal plates and enjoying your biking because at the end of the day the ride is more important that how your motorbike looks when your parked up at the local biker spot.

Friday 22 May 2009

Motorcycle Number Plates

For those of us that spend a great deal of our lives washing, polishing and generaly pampering our motorcycles there is always something extra to buy that we think will make our bike stand out from the crowd. After all isn't that what we want? A motorcycle that is as individual as we are?

One great way to add a little individuality to any bike is to buy a custom motorcycle number plate. The great thing out custom plates is that for a very small outlay you can really make your motorcycle stand out from the crowd.

Available from a number for specialised manufacturers, you should have no trouble tracking someone down who will create an individual piece to add style to your machine. Just make sure yyou spend a bit of time deciding what is goig to look best on your bike before putting in your order.